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AP Practice Exam 1
AP Practice Exam 2
Review timelines 1565-1754 1754-1781 1781-1824 1825-1845 1845-1877 1877-1900 1890-1916 1917-1941 Major Battles of World War Dos 1945-1969 1969-2001
Review packets Giant Review Packet (76 pages) Timeline Cram Packet Good Review Packet (23 pages) Presidential party evolution USSC case overviews Books to be Familiar with Civill Rights Chronology Civil Rights Spreadsheet
Review links Political Parties Federalist v. Anti-Federalist Notecards... and associated links (think presidential reviews) Pageant practice quizzes
Skill Links Note Taking skills (observations by Moody) Multiple Choice Test taking skills
Review terms Colonial (17th Century) Roanoke/Raleigh Jamestown House of Burgess John Smith Bacon's Rebellion Headright system Puritanism Separatism Plymouth Plantation John Winthrop William Bradford Anglicanism Halfway Covenant Indentured Servants Inner light William Penn Glorious Revolution Patroonship Covenant Salem Witch Trials Navigation Acts indentured servants Quakers Puritans Separatists Mayflower Compact Colonial (18th Century) Huguenots Scotch-Irish Triangular trade James Oglethorpe George Whitfield Jonathan Edwards John Lock Molasses Act, 1733 Colonial assemblies town meetings county government Benjamin Franklin Enlightenment Great Awakening Revolutionary Era 1763-1776 Virtual representation salutary neglect Seven Years War or French and Indian War Treaty of Paris, 1763 Proclamation Line, 1763 Sons of Liberty Pontiac's Rebellion Sugar Act, 1764 Stamp Act, 1765 Townshend Acts Boston Massacre, 1770 Repeal of Townshend Acts, 1772 Quebec Act, 1774 First Continental Congress, 1774 Galloway Plan of Union, 1774 Minutemen Lexington and Concord, 1775 Second Continental Congress, Battle of Bunker Hill Olive Branch Petition, 1775 Sam Adams John Adams Common Sense Declaration of Independence Patrick Henry Thomas Paine Thomas Jefferson Revolution and Confederation (1776-1787) Second Continental Congress Continental Army Loyalists and Tories Hessians Lafayette Valley Forge Battle of Saratoga Battle of Yorktown Ordinance of 1785 Shay's Rebellion Articles of Confederation Annapolis Convention George Washington Northwest Ordinance, 1787 The Federalist Era (1787-1800) Constitutional Convention Great Compromise (CT Compromise) 3/5 Compromise Virginia and NJ Plans The Federalist Papers Assumption of state debts Judiciary Act, 1789 Alexander Hamilton Antifederalists Federalists XYZ Affair Washington's Farewell Address Bill of Rights Quasi War Bank of US Alien and Sedition Acts John Adams Thomas Jefferson Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions John Marshall Midnight Appointments Election 1800 Jay's Treaty Jeffersonian America (1800-1808) Revolution of 1800 Marbury v Madison Louisiana Purchase (Constitutionality) Lewis and Clark expedition Trial of Aaron Burr Embargo Act Noah Webster Thomas Jefferson Toussaint L'Ouverture Eli Whitney Nationalism and Sectionalism (181-1824) War 1812 Impressment neutral rights Chesapeake-Leopard Affair Embargo Macon's Bill #2 War Hawks James Madison Battle of New Orleans Era of Good Feelings John Quincy Adams Adams-Onis Treaty Lowell System Fletcher v Peck Dartmouth College v Woodward Gibbons v Ogden American System corrupt bargain Henry Clay Monroe Doctrine James Monroe Election 1824 Marshall Court Jacksonian America (1824-1840) Democrats Whigs Election of 1828 Webster-Haynes Debate Tariff of Abominations Nicholas Biddle Kitchen Cabinet King Andrew Indian removal Act Cherokee Removal Force Bill John C. Calhoun South Carolina Exposition and Protest Daniel Webster John Tyler Anti-Masonic Party Maysville Veto Eaton Affair Panic 1837 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America WH Harrison Specie Circular Roger B. Taney Charles River Bridge Case Tippecanoe and Tyler Too Slavery and Abolitionism (Ante Bellum America) Peculiar Institution black belt underground railroad slave revolts Liberia Nat Turner Gang system slave codes Fredrick Douglass Harriett Tubman William Lloyd Garrison American Colonization Society Grimke Sisters Harriett Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin Nat Turner Denmark Vessey An Age of Reform (1830 - 1860) Transcendentalism lyceum American Renaissance Emerson Thoreau Margaret Fuller Walt Whitman Herman Melville Nathaniel Hawthorne Shakers Mormon John Smith Brigham Young Unitarianism Self-reliance burned over district "Civil Disobedience" Lucretia Mott Second Great Awakening New Harmony Brook Farm Dorthea Dix Horace Mann Oberlin College Seneca Falls, Declaration of Sentiments, 1848 The Coming of Civil War (1819-1861) Missouri Compromise Republic of Texas Manifest Destiny James Polk Alamo Mexican War Nueces River Rio Grande Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Wilmont Proviso Bear Flag Revolt John C. Fremont Gag Rule Gadsden Purchase Free Soil Party Ostend Manifesto Kansas-Nebraska Act, 1854 Popular Sovereignty Bleeding Kansas 54'40" or fight John Brown Harpers Ferry Santa Anna Election of 1860 Lincoln-Douglas Debates Dred Scott v Sanford Compromise of 1850 James Buchannon Fire Eaters Freeport Doctrine "Personal Liberty Laws" Know- Nothings Stephen A Douglas Abraham Lincoln Sumner-Brooks Affair The War Between the States (1860-1865) Fort Sumter secession Confederacy Jefferson Davis Union Party Border states Crittenden Compromise Homestead Act, 1862 Clara Barton Morrill Land Grant Act Conscription Act, 1863 Copperheads, Trent Affair Robert E. Lee Ex Parte Milligan Radical Republicans March to the Sea Ulysses S. Grant Stonewall Jackson Antitem Gettysburg West Virginia Emancipation Proclamation greenbacks Draft riots William T. Sherman Appomattox Courthouse Reconstruction (1865-1877) Wade-Davis Bill Tenure of Office Act Andrew Johnson black codes Carpetbaggers Scalawags Freedmen's Bureau 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments Force Acts Tweed Ring Industry and Labor Bloody Shirt Purchase of Alaska William Seward Interstate Commerce Act Haymarket Square Riot Andrew Carnegie J.P. Morgan Social Darwinism National Labor Union Knights of Labor Court Injunctions Pullman Strike Homestead Strike American Federation of Labor Thaddeus Stevens Presidential Reconstruction Congressional Reconstruction Alabama Claims Credit Moblier Gospel of Wealth Settling the West Dawes Severalty Act Little Bighorn Fredrick Jackson Turner gold standard National Grange Munn v Illinois Tom Watson Populist Party Omaha Convention Panic of 1873 William Jennings Bryan silver standard Chinese Exclusion Act Election 1896 Farmers Alliance Movement America and the World (1890-1900) Yellow press William Randolph Hearst Spanish-American War Howard Taft Philippines Revolt Alfred T. Mahan Open Door Boxer Rebellion Platt Amendment Panama Canal Gentlemen's Agreement T. Roosevelt Annexation of Hawaii Roosevelt Corollary spheres of influence Progressive Era (1890's-1916) Booker T. Washington W.E.B. DuBois Jim Crow Laws Plessy v Ferguson NAACP Progressive Movement Muckrakers Upton Sinclair International Workers of the World Pendleton Act Mugwumps Clayton Anti-Trust Act Federal Trade Commission Federal Reserve Act New Freedom Election of 1912 Progressive Party Ida Tarbell Robert M. LaFollette Jacob Riis John Dewey Pure Food and Drug Act Underwood Tariff Jane Adams socialist party Eugene Debs Muller v Oregon Lochner v NY Alice Paul World War I Lusitania unrestricted submarine warfare Zimmerman Note Central Powers Espionage and Sedition Act War Industries Board Treaty of Versailles Creel Committee on Public Information Henry Cabot Lodge Woodrow Wilson Normalcy race riots of 1919 18th and 19th Amendments irreconcilables Victory gardens League of Nations reparations Fourteen Points American Expeditionary Force Schenck v US
The Twenties Red scare A. Mitchell Palmer Scopes Trial Ku Klux Klan teapot dome Marcus Garvey Emergency Quota Act F. Scott Fitzgerald Al Smith Herbert Hoover Harlem Renaissance Calvin Coolidge The Great Crash Charles Lindbergh Dawes Plan Hawley-Smoot Tariff Sinclair Lewis Henry Ford Volstead Act Kellogg-Briand Pact Washington Arms Treaty Conference Prohibition Jazz Age Sacco-Vanzetti Trial Andrew Mellon Election of 1928 Stimson Doctrine The Great Depression and New Deal (1929-1940) Bonus Army New Deal Fireside Chat Federal Emergency Relief Act Civilian Conservation Corp Public Works Administration Glass-Stegall Banking Act Wagner Act Father Coughlin Eleanor Roosevelt Good Neighbor Policy John. L Lewis Fair Labor Standards Act John Maynard Keynes Francis Perkins Black Cabinet Works Progress Administration Tennessee Valley Authority National Industrial Recovery Act Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Social Security Act Securities and Exchange Commission World War II and The Search for Security (1930-1950) Munich Agreement Neutrality Acts Lend-Lease Act Atlantic Charter Pearl Harbor War Production Board Manhattan Project Office of War Information Dwight D. Eisenhower D-Day VE-Day Marshall Plan Cold War Containment Truman Doctrine Korean War 38th Parallel General MacArthur Berlin Blockade Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift Spheres of Influence George F. Keenan Nuremberg Trials Japanese-American Relocation Ex Parte Endo Potsdam Yalta Hiroshima Okinawa Employment Act 1946 NATO Election of 1948 Korematsu v US London Conference, 1933 United Nations The 1950's Cold War at Home and Abroad McCarthyism HUAC Smith Act McCarran Internal Security Act Containment Alger Hiss Rosenberg Trial John Foster Dulles Eisenhower Doctrine SEATO Geneva Accords, 1954 Brown v Board of Education Brinkmanship Birmingham Bus Boycott Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Rosa Parks Domino Theory Boycott Sit-In Central High School Little Rock Dixicrat 1960's Election of 1960 SCLC Richard M. Nixon VISTA The Great Society Bay of Pigs Office of Economic Opportunity Medicare Immigration Acts 1965 Berlin Wall Freedom Rides War on Poverty New Frontier Cuban Missile Crisis Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Freedom Summer NOW TET offensive Congress of Racial Equality Peace Corps Test Ban treaty John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Civil Rights Acts 1964, 1965 and 1967 Gideon v Wainwright Miranda v Arizona 1970's and 1980's Henry Kissinger Gerald Ford George McGovern Détente Vietnamization Cambodia Anti-War movement SALT Watergate Whitehouse Tapes Fall of Saigon Camp David Accord James Earl Carter Equal Rights Amendment Ronald Reagan Star Wars supply side economics affirmative action Pentagon Papers Bakke Case Sandra Day O'Conner deregulation AIDS Moral Majority Challenger Panama Canal Iran Hostage Crisis Olympic Boycott, 1980 Roe v Wade Election 1980 Iran Contra Affair 1990-Present Election of 2000 William Jefferson Clinton Operation Desert Storm Impeachment Bush v Gore 9/11 Collin Powell Newt Gingrich Janet Reno NAFTA Ross Perot FTAA Columbine HS Ralph Nader